All Party Parliamentary Group
International Freedom of Religion or Belief
Everyone has the freedom to think or believe what they want, including the right to religious belief. We have the right to change our beliefs or religion at any time, and the right to publicly or privately practise our chosen religion, alone or with others.
Keep up to date with with latest FoRB News and Events

We are a cross-party group of parliamentarians who believe that international freedom of religion or belief is a crucial human right. We therefore seek to raise its profile in Government, in Parliament, in the media and among the general public. Our website is designed to help you find out more about freedom of religion or belief and play your part in the fight for this right to be recognised worldwide.
We provide support to victims of FoRB violations and act as voice for the voiceless. Whatever your belief or no belief we are here for you.
Question & Debate
We submit questions, early day motions and topics for debate at Westminster.
Research Delegations
We take parliamentarians and stakeholders on delegations to assess the situation and make recommendations for change.
Our Officers
The APPG has committed officers at the helm. Since 2011 officers have supported this important cause. With new legislation in place the APPG is now under the direction of the following four officers.

Jim Shannon MP

Ruth Jones MP

Lord Alton of Liverpool

Lord Jackson of Peterborough
Read more about the work that we are engaged with through our stakeholder and APPG reports!
Research and Reports
Through the research of our stakeholders we are able to write reports of FoRB violations and organise delegations with parliamentarians to substantiate claims

The APPG for International Freedom of Religion or Belief brings human rights violations to the attention of the government. Find out how we keep FoRB a priority, and ensure it is a topic of conversation that triggers action.

Prime Ministers Questions
Early Day Motions
Official Communications
Prisoners of Conscience
Imprisoned for not wanting to believe!
Thousands of people are denied the right to choose!
Incarcerated because of a choice to not believe in a particular faith, or because they have changed faith, prisoners of conscience are unfairly held captive.

Our Stakeholders
Find out more about our stakeholders and their participation in Human Rights with a focus on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FORB)
The APPG for International Freedom of Religion or Belief is one of the largest APPG’s in Westminster, with over 100 members and 21 stakeholders.

Stakeholder News
“Human Rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being’s entitlement by virtue of their humanity.”
– Mother Teresa –