
Julie Jones


Before joining the APPG Julie was a trustee on the Interfaith Network UK and served there as the interfaith representative for Wales for the devolved nations. She was also the vice-chair of the Interfaith Council of Wales (ICW), the elected member of the ICW for the Welsh government. She has played an important role in increasing awareness of different faiths and promoting unity within different communities in Wales. 

Andy Bailey

Parliamentary Officer


With extensive experience working in the human rights field and freedom of religion and belief, Andy has a particular interest in the intersection of FoRB in the development sector looking to ensure equal access to aid and development for minority communities. Prior to joining the team at APPG FoRB, Andy held roles at Open Doors and at the Coalition for Religious Equality and Inclusive Development at the Institute for Development Studies. Andy has also acted as a consultant for civil society groups and grassroots movements. His roles have included conducting research and coordinating advocacy campaigns that support refugees fleeing religious persecution, conflict, or violence.