Recent incidents affecting Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan and Indonesia have prompted this response:
The APPG for International Freedom of Religion or Belief strongly condemns the killing of Dawood Ahmad, an Ahmadi Muslim, who was shot dead on 24 May by unidentified assailants on the basis of his beliefs.*
The murder of Mr Ahmad is indicative of the intolerance within Pakistan against the Ahmadi Community. The Pakistani Constitution and Penal Code place explicit restrictions upon Ahmadis subjecting them to overt state-sanctioned discrimination and persecution. They are declared as “non-Muslims” and cannot refer to themselves as Muslim or disseminate literature regarding their faith.
The APPG also remains concerned about the 80 year old Mr Abdul Shakoor who remains in prison since the beginning of 2016 after being falsely accused of selling an Ahmadiyya commentary on the Holy Qur’an. Mr Shakoor’s case is just one of many and highlights the reforms needed in the Pakistani Constitution to redress the violation of Ahmadis’ right to exercise their religion or belief.
The APPG urges the Pakistani government to immediately release Mr Shakoor and drop all charges against him.
The culture of discrimination and persecution against Ahmadis is not exclusive to Pakistan. In Indonesia on 23 May, a mob attacked the Al-Kautsar Ahmadi mosque in Central Java. While this incident was the first attack on Ahmadis in Central Java, the Setara Institute states that the attack adds to a lengthy list of attacks conducted by hardliners against Ahmadi groups across the country. They highlight that this now makes a total of 114 attacks against Ahmadis between 2007 and 2016.
The APPG urges the Indonesian Government to ensure that Ahmadis and all minority groups are given adequate protection and to properly prosecute those engaging in the persecution of minorities and will write to the Indonesian Ambassador to the UK to this effect.
*A press release from reads
Karachi: An Ahmadi, Dawood Ahmad murdered outside his house due to religious hatred
Chenab Nagar: (PR) Mr. Dawood Ahmad S/O Haji Ghulam Muhiyuddin, 55, was shot dead in Gulzar Hijri, Karachi last night by unidentified assailants due to religious hatred. He was waiting for his friend outside his house when two unidentified men came on a motorbike, the man sitting behind disembarked and opened fire at him, and they fled thereafter. Three bullets hit him, one in the chest, two in the abdomen. The assailants also fired shots at Mr. Ahmad’s friend who had already reached there as he hurried to help him. Both were rushed to the hospital. Mr. Dawood was critically injured due to the shots that damaged his entrails and liver and loss of blood due to the chest injury. He was operated upon but did not survive. His friend was also operated upon; he is stable now. The murdered victim is survived by his three sons; his wife died a few years ago. Mr. Ahmad was a noble, practicing Ahmadi who had no personal vendetta with anyone. He was target killed solely for being an Ahmadi. Incidents of shooting Ahmadis have happened in this area in the past as well. His remains will be brought to Rabwah for burial.
Mr. Saleemuddin, the spokesman of Jamaat Ahmadiyya strongly condemned this distressing incident and expressed deep grief. He said, “Mischievous and baseless propaganda is going on all over the country against Ahmadis; this is the basic reason of such grievous incidents. It was announced in the National Action plan that action would be taken against hate promoters but it is sad to say that elements who promote hate against Ahmadis are not only free but are busy spreading hateful propaganda openly without any fear. Thirty Ahmadis have been killed in Karachi and not a single murderer has been brought to justice till now. Consequently extremist elements feel encouraged.” He demanded of the administration that Dawood’s killers be arrested immediately and brought to justice.