1 April
Inquiry on Conflict in Nigeria
17 April
2nd Roundtable on Forced Organ-harvesting in China
House of Commons, April 17th 2018
13 December
Roundtable on Forced Organ-harvesting in China
25 October Launch of
new Article 18 report
18 July
APPG Inaugural Meeting
11 July Hosted a tea with the Minister of Tolerance for the
30 June Hosted Brazilian MPs for training on FoRB on behalf of IPPFoRB
28 June A members meeting with Lord Ahmad (new FCO Minister of State responsible for International Freedom of Religion or Belief
4 April
Preventing Violent Extremism and Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB): Reflecting back to move forward with the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the University of Sussex
4 April
Countering Violent Extremism in Muslim-Majority Countries: Lessons from Indonesia
8 March
Members Meeting
28 Feb
Stakeholder event: Meeting the New FoRB Mandate holders (FCO and UN)
28 Feb
The Future of Freedom of Religion or Belief at the National and International Level
27 Feb
The Persecution of Religious and Ethnic Minorities in Iran,
with the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Human Rights
15 November
APPG Officers Meeting
8 June
Freedom of Religion or Belief – Emerging Trends, Challenges and Agendas for Change
7 June Launch of Asylum Advocacy Group & APPG for International Freedom of Religion or Belief report:
Fleeing Persecution: Asylum Claims in the UK on Religious Freedom Grounds
24 May
APPG AGM Minutes
21 March
Religion, Security & Foreign Policy
2 March
Freedom of Religion and Economic Prosperity (The All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Bahá’í Faith)
24 February
Freedom of Religion or Belief in Pakistan & UK Government Policy: APPG for International Freedom of Religion or Belief Parliamentary Inquiry Report launch event
9 February
Steering Group of the International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief (IPPFoRB).
8 February
Supporting the Yazidi Community: a survivor of Daesh captivity speaks in Parliament
17 November Briefing, in conjunction with Open Doors UK, on the
State of Religious Extremism in Nigeria
10/11 November Inquiry into the
The Plight of Minority Religious or Belief Groups in Pakistan and as Refugees: Addressing Current UK & UNHCR Policy
10 November
APPG meeting
2 November
Briefing, in conjunction with Christians in Parliament,
Christians in the Middle East: A Different Perspective (Report) (Audio)
27 October
stakeholder briefing with Sue Breeze, Head of Equality & Non-Discrimination Team, FCO
Report of this event
26 October
Lord Sacks in conversation with Tim Montgomerie
14 October
Democracy and Religion: The State of Minorities in India
8 September
APPG Meeting
14 July
Consultation meeting on the Central African Republic
24 June Launch of HWRF report
In Prison for their religion or belief
17 June
Introductory Event
8 June
APPG AGM Read the minutes
10 March Launch of report on
The Persecution of Christians in Iran
16 December APPG Christians in Parliament and APPG International Freedom of Religion or Belief, Inquiry into the
Persecution of Christians in Iran
16 December
Blood, Treasure and Islamic State: War, Extremism and the Looting of Culture
15 December
The situation in the Central African Republic
10 December Launch of
Religion and Belief in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: A Report of the All Party Parliamentary Group on International Freedom of Religion or Belief
25 November The Rt Hon Desmond Swayne TD MP, Minister of State for International Development:
Update on the crisis in Syria and Iraq
21 October Innes Bowen on
the British Muslim Community
17 July
Current issues in law and religion, Oxford
12 July
Religious Freedom and Persecution, York
8 July An evening with
Douglas Alexander, Shadow Foreign Secretary – joint event with Christians on the Left –
read his speech in full
24 June
23 June
International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief, Oxford
9 June Launch of APPG website