Mosaic Middle East’s mission is to bring hope, help and healing in the Middle East. We focus on vulnerable and persecuted minorities, to relieve immediate needs and assist them in securing sustainable futures. The objectives of strengthening and empowering those in need is motivated by Christian compassion. We deliver our mission through livelihood projects initiated in partnership with local NGOs, empowering community centres for refugees, and raising awareness through advocacy both in Iraq, UK and internationally. We are also the main funders of St George’s Medical Clinic in Baghdad, Iraq under the auspices of the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf, and support the peace-building ministry of the Rev’d Canon Faez Jirjees the first Iraqi Anglican priest in Iraq. We provide emergency relief to those in need, regardless of sectarian division, and strive for peaceful co-existence. We are active on social media and weekly updates, as well as a quarterly print magazine called ‘Restore’ (obtainable here ).
Mosaic Middle East is currently operational in Iraq and Jordan. Mosaic Middle East (FRRME) is a non-profit organisation registered as a charity in England and Wales (Registration number 1133576). We are also registered in Kurdistan.