EU Parliament hopeful for FoRB Special Envoy

Safeguarding Freedom of Religion or Belief: Open Doors Event in EU Parliament

At the recent Open Doors launch in Brussels this January, co-hosted by Lukas Mandl (MEP Austria) and Nathalie Loiseau (MEP France), Miriam Lexmann (MEP Slovakia) highlighted key points regarding Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) and the EU’s role in promoting this fundamental human right for all.

“It is of particular interest to the whole of EU Parliament to focus on this right, as FoRB issues remain at the doors.” Lexmann remarked.

She emphasized that parliamentarians understand religious freedom to be a fundamental indicator of broader human rights. “Religious freedom is often the first target in totalitarian and autocratic regimes. These regimes are a threat to all freedoms. We know that this is the last opportunity to fight against these regimes to support freedom and democracy in these communities.”

Lexmann noted how the EU Parliament has historically neglected to recognize Christians as the most persecuted religious group. However, she offered a number of solutions, including investigating the role of artificial intelligence technologies in both overt and hidden persecution. “We need to be persistent in examining these technologies and their impact,” she said. “For years, we have allowed products made with forced labor by Uighur Muslims in China to enter our markets. This is absolutely unacceptable,” but she remains hopeful that the EU can make positive strides through diligent action.

She also addressed the rising issue of subtle discrimination within the EU and called for greater attention to its impact.

Additionally, Lexmann urged MEPs to explore the root causes of religious persecution as a driving factor behind the migration crisis that some EU member states are facing. She expressed hope for the reactivation of an interfaith group within the European Parliament and called for the appointment of a special envoy to focus on these issues as soon as possible.

“One of our challenges is explaining to citizens why the right to FoRB is essential. Some people view it as a secondary concern, but it is vital to recognize that many individuals seeking refuge in the EU are fleeing religious persecution,” Lexmann said. “To address the migration crisis, we should look closely at how discrimination and persecution based on religion contribute to the situation. By addressing this issue, we can better respond to the concerns of our citizens and work towards meaningful solutions.”

Read first-hand accounts of FoRB violation survivors here:

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